Sexually transmitted illnesses, also commonly referred to as STDs, are infections that are mostly spread by having intimate contact with another person and where the transference of microorganisms like viruses and bacteria causes devastating and long-term health issues. According to recent studies, more than a million people worldwide are infected with STDs each year, with half of the diagnoses occurring in youth, particularly teenagers aged 15 to 25 years.
Fortunately, sexually transmitted diseases can be treated if they are diagnosed in time. However, in many regions of the world, people find it taboo to talk about them and feel reluctant to consult a doctor even after suspecting that they are suffering from STDs. This behaviour not only harms the person’s physical and sexual health but also puts others at risk as well.
If you have an STD, you should see your doctor right away because it will help you make a good prognosis. Also, feel free to communicate all the details to your health practitioner, as it will help you solve the issue quickly. Aside from that, getting annual check-ups from a reputable clinic that offers STD screening Singapore services helps to keep such problems at bay.
Symptoms of STDs
Symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases SIDs usually vary from person to person. Studies suggest that the most common symptoms are;
- Usual discharge from vagina and anus
- Development of sores and lumps
- Pain and burning while passing urine
- Frequent vaginal bleeding
- Swelling, itching, redness, and pain around the genital
- Fever and nausea
Types of STDs
There is a long list of sexually transmitted diseases, but the most commonly occurring STDs are discussed below.
Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, caused by a bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis. The disease persists without any visible symptoms in most individuals, which can make it more dangerous. If you suffer from pelvic infections or infections in the anus, vagina, throat, or eyes, chances are that you might have chlamydia. If detected early, it can be treated with antibiotics, potentially preventing major health problems in the future.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that is characterised by the development of a painless sore in the infection area, especially at the penis, scrotum, anus, vagina, mouth, or lips. The main cause behind the development of syphilis is having oral, anal, or vaginal sex. This disease also has no apparent symptoms; if left uncured, it can cause serious complications. The illness does not spread through casual contact and can be prevented by focusing on sexual well-being, like using condoms or other preventive measures.
The main way people get gonorrhoea is by getting exposed to a bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Like the above two diseases, it also does not have visible symptoms. It affects more teens and people who are in their early twenties. Many individuals who get diagnosed with syphilis don’t have any noticeable symptoms, so in most cases, they do not know that they are suffering from it. Causing serious health issues like infertility, PID in women, and pregnancy issues, followed by joint pains, fevers, sores, stiffness, and AIDs, are effects of this disease.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common STDs, which, if left untreated, can even reach a stage where it can cause cervical cancer. The infection site is usually the genitals, mouth, or throat. It can be successfully treated with various medications if diagnosed at an early stage. The common symptoms that most individuals experience include lumps around the penis, anus, and vagina, severe pain in the lower belly and pelvic area, a nauseated feeling followed by a high temperature, and unusual vaginal discharge.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV is known to be the major reason behind the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It weakens the human body’s immune system, making it vulnerable to serious infections by reducing its ability to fight against disease-causing bacteria. There is no cure for AIDs, but if detected early, many of the symptoms can be managed, which helps the individual live a healthy and long life.
Genital Warts
Genital warts are growths that appear around the anus and genitalia. It is caused by the human papillomavirus after direct skin contact with someone who has the illness. It results in the formation of small, white-colored, or skin-colored bumps that can cause serious pain, swelling, irritation, and itching. Using ointments and medications prescribed by a doctor can relieve pain and make the bumps disappear after a few weeks.
Genital herpes is also a common sexually transmitted infection due to the presence of the herpes simplex virus. The symptoms include the formation of tiny blisters and bumps, bleeding, peeling of the skin, itching, and pain at the injection site.
Scabies is acquired after having direct skin contact, usually sexual contact, with another person. Its symptoms are somewhat similar to pubic lice, where there is intense itching and the formation of blisters and pimple-like bumps. The symptoms can be so intense that they can keep you awake at night.
STDs and Pregnancy
STDs during pregnancy can be quite dangerous, causing serious complications for the mother as well as for the growing foetus. If left untreated, the symptoms will become more severe, putting your life at risk as well. One of the main points that you need to take into account is that most sexually transmitted infections are asymptomatic, so you might not notice any visible changes. So, it is important to get proper testing and prenatal check-ups from trained healthcare professionals.
In case you are looking for reliable and authentic STD testing near me, Anteh Dispensary is here to offer you a full suite of testing, diagnosis, and treatment services.